
By FarmerGirl

It twas a beautiful day

30.6 degrees C - that is the high that we got up to today, and it was hot. Murchison got the high for the Country as reported on the TV weather - all those poor people up North who are holidaying in the rain will be wishing that they had come down our way! We put the air conditioner on in the house to cool down - pure bliss.

We milked at mid day, and even then we had to put the fans on in the cowshed to try and create a breeze. This afternoon we finally got around to putting our Xmas tree up - better late than never!

This photo is taken from the highest point on our farm, looking out to the Matiri Valley, which is one of the many valley's that surrounds the Murchison area.

I'm milking in the morning, so another early 4.25am start. Had better get going and get to bed. Night.

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