I'm looking at you !

A lovely sunny morning so I spent most of it in the garden.I was sitting on the top decking when I spotted the female bullfinch in the oak tree.A few moments later she flew down followed by the male and landed in the tree behind me.Not easy to get a shot between the twig and they did not stay long.
Mike had phone calls in the afternoon so he dropped me in Rosemarkie at 2.30pm. I had a short stroll along the waters edged and found a rock to sit on.I did not want to risk walking to far as my knee has been hurting lot and keeps locking up, very frustrating.
Even though the sun had disappeared it was still pleasant and I enjoyed listening to the water and watching the terns and gulls.
I met the Brownies and other leaders and took the 1st group to The Groam House Museum.Very interesting learning about the local history.This included looking at Pictish stones and learning about the stone masons, did you know they tattooed the pattern they were carving on to their bodies so they could remember it ?
We looked at the local treasures that had been found either by walking across ploughed fields or using a metal detector.We saw a lovely carved ring and a button from a northern lighthouse keepers jacket.
Then it was back to collect the next group.Thank you to all the volunteer staff ,they were brilliant with the girls and they learnt so much :)

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