All Ends in "Tears"

Oscar just loved being back at Cadsonbury - looking so beautiful with the bluebells and wild garlic. He found several dogs to play with and tried to play with one retrieving sticks from the river - but he was having none of that and Oscar would not venture into the water anyway! The second dog he found to play with was a perfect match for him - they play fought, chased each other round the trees and generally had lots of fun! Come the end of the walk I noticed  his front paw was covered in blood - somehow he had torn his dew claw - I could see the pinkish inside. However it did not seem to be bothering him and wasn't bleeding so I continued on for a very expensive Waitrose shop! Well it's the bank holiday weekend! On the way home I stopped at the vets as I needed food for him too and asked if anyone could look at his injury. Poor Oscar! He had to wear a muzzle as the vet snipped the nail halfway off and wrapped a bandage around it! He was very good and just cowered against me and the wall! He couldn't wait to limp out the door! He has to go back in the morning to have the bandage removed and the nail checked by a nurse. Once home he pulled some of the white padding that was poking out from the blue sticky bandage, but once I snipped it off and moved the blue bandage off he left it alone! Come the evening walk he pranced like an Andalusian horse!
Oh and I'm loving the car! I do love driving!

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