Gitama's World

By Gitama

From Above.......& Searching for.... photography mojo....again.
I think that all my creativity has been channeled into doing stuff for my p/shop course and my photography has been sadly taking a back seat.
In some ways It feels good that I have been able to use some of my photos to use in composites......some of the photos I took I had composites in mind.......(the downfall of getting older is that I cannot remember what I had in mind at the time).

I can remember a time that all I wanted to do was to go out and take Im pushing s**t up hill to press the button.....and posting.....except for playing around in PP is the juicy bit for me at the moment...I am learning so much that I cant help but try things out.

These guys are just too mad to try and get photos of ........I nearly came a cropper standing over them to try and take this.
I used a mixture of several techniques I have been playing around with...I am not sure if it is successful or not.

I do so love those kids.

“All his/her life s/he tried to be a good person. Many times, however, s/he failed.
For after all, s/he was only human. S/He wasn't a dog.”
Charles M. Schulz

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