Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


This is the grand finale weekend before the biggest holiday our nation participates in, maybe even the biggest holiday most of the world celebrates.

The news programs are reporting about all the stores that are staying open round the clock and the number of people who are finished shopping and the number who are not quite done shopping and the number who haven't even started.

I bet there are many other stories, heart warming stories, that we're not hearing. I bet there are little kids who are getting to see a parent for the first time in a long time, or grandparents. I bet there are zillions of stories about people making special gifts or saving and saving until they could afford that something special they wanted to give to someone they care deeply about.

The news programs would have us believe this holiday is mostly about the amount of money being made at the malls or the weather storms that are slowing the take-off of planes and trains and the hazard of the freeways.

I hope there are lots of special family gatherings happening this weekend; ones that would warm us with touchy-feely good emotions. I'm pretty sure, though, that we'll never hear about them on the news.

I'm going to continue claiming that I'm glad Christmas is compulsory; otherwise, I don't think I'd be allow to attend because I'm just not quite ready for it all.

Good night from a cold Southern California,
with rain predicted to tomorrow.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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