The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Memory Lane

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Explorer, Kitty Cat and I had an afternoon & evening in Leith. It’s the first time we have been down there together since we all stopped working in Bar Java. We wanted to see how much it had changed.

It was a great day and evening. Bar Java is now called The Fly Half and it is completely different. It has been extended into the old courtyard and was completely unrecognisable from when we worked there. We wandered to The Ship On the Shore where we had lunch sitting outside in the sunshine before going on a mini pub crawl to the old Cameo Bar which is now The Barologist, followed by a few glasses in Toast and then ended our night in The Port o’ Leith.

The Port was BRILLIANT. It was a complete memory trigger for the three of us. It still looks pretty much the same and it almost felt like we would bump into the colourful characters we knew 20 years ago. The nights in there used to be bonkers. As were the clientele. I have fond memories of dancing on a table!

I loved the day. The chat was great and we loved exploring our old stomping ground. We have decided to do it again. There were too many bars to fit into one visit.


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