Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


As Mondays go this was a bit of a simple classic. How to be happy doing the mundane. Paid bills, fixed stuff, did a bit of writing, started reading Oryx and Crake, organised socks, had breakfast in town.

There was an elderly white haired man in The Lounge drinking lager at 10am. From the way the staff were talking to him this was not an unusual occurrence. To be fair he only had the one then left.

Bought veg, collected prescriptions, managed to escape the town centre just as a busker started singing the ghastly ”Streets Of London".

Had two Maple Cream biscuits for lunch.

Went to the local garage to settle up for our service and MOT. A long discussion about golf, a game I have no interest in but apparently is all in the head. This was actually quite interesting. The Twins who run our local garage only have golfing holidays and on this occasion finished second and fifth in a competition in Spain. Apparently the stress got to twin number one otherwise he would have nipped first place for the second year running. Never underestimate people. It was a genuinely interesting conversation about human beings under pressure. These are the kind of people you want to be with when the going get rough.

Tried making home made vegan Crunchie bars but failed. I don’t think I whisked hard enough at the crucial stage, or maybe my baking powder was out of date. Doesn’t matter, I had fun trying.

Had an election campaign leaflet from He Who Must Not be Named and his brexit campaign. Am going to send it back marked “unsolicited mail, return to sender”.

Finished up in the pub briefly and couldn’t resist a bowl of chips with my beer. As I said to TSM, if Anne Summers did chips, this is what they would be like. Best in class.

The best thing about today was that Pants Monster was largely absent. In fact Nigel Farage was the only painful turd to blight my day, and then not much. I have been happy. Yes happy. Great word that ...

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