Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Not yet dead

Christmas is always busy at the shop. This year even more so. This year my mum is retiring and Christmas Eve will be the last day the shop is open so we're having a sale. Sales at Christmas time mean more people at an already busy time so it was all hands on deck.

Arriving at the shop there was a bit of confusion as the light didn't switch on, no problem bulbs die all the time but why hadn't the other light turned on. In fact, why wasn't anything turning on? It seemed there was a very small powercut effecting a number of premises dotted around the town. Oh well, we had to continue so we did a run for take out coffees, kept our jackets on, opened the door so people would still come in and sold in the dark for an hour or so. Once the lights were back up we were packed at times, 4 of us serving and people still queuing.

We were late night opening along with other businesses in town so when it finally quietened down we were able to replace some of the stock that had been sold over the last week and get some presents wrapped too. After a late tea there was just enough time to have a play with one of mum's fancy cameras and macro lenses. I had the choice of pretty crystals or these alstromeria that had survived since the 8th December including a journey down to Cumbria.

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