Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

New Experiences

It was another busy day at the shop today. However it was a day of new experiences. I have served customers in the shop thousands of times. Many of them on grey afternoons in winter. However today was a new experience. After a busy morning, we'd just had time to have a bite of lunch when the power went off. We were told it would be back on in just nearly 2 hours, we had stock to sell so we had to continue on with the little light we had from the window, door propped open and apologies issued. 2:30pm came and the lights weren't back on, new estimate 6pm. The phones we were using to show people things in the shop weren't enough so we did a desperate trip to buy some lanterns and torches to allow us to continue trading as long as possible. By 4pm with outside light gone we had no choice but to lock up and go home.

Today's blip represents our day of selling things via candle and torch light.

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