Christmas Table


His Lordship and I were up early to open our presents, he pleased with his books and wearing apparel ( no socks or handkerchiefs this year) and I delighted with my cosy dressing gown and hot water bottle even if the former, chosen and bought by me makes me look like an over fed baby bear.

His Lordship is unduly excited because it is Christmas Day and he has been out from behind his door more this morning than in the last month, asking what he can do and getting in my way as I try to prepare the lunch.
I can feel my BP rocketing and the turkey is not yet in the oven.

The sun is trying valiantly to shine on our parade, the table is set, the ingredients for the meal are organised in a line up on the kitchen counter for entry in to the oven and I have a minute to blip and watch the children in the Meadows out on their new bikes.

I'm waiting for Budapest son to open his presents and then hopefully his Lordship will offer me a drink of some description, not hot chocolate today.

Soon we will start phoning round the far flung family, wishing them all a Happy Christmas and feeling a little nostalgic for Christmases past with a household of children opening their presents from Santa and the excitement shining in their eyes.

Now it is they who have that pleasure with their children. Time waits for no man.

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