A CanCan Christmas Folly

Budapest boy wishes it to be known that he wanted no part in this Christmas Day CanCan folly, which was instigated by an email from my brother sending me his family's version.

My version was somewhat curtailed by the limit of permitted participating heads, but now with the mulled wine, table wine and Bailey's of yesterday having worn off I think I might be able to find enough daughters' heads to try again so that His Lordship and I can rest while we watch them.

My favourite quote of yesterday fell from the lips of Budapest Boy as we walked to visit daughter#1 after lunch. Having asked him to slow down and remember that the length of his legs was double mine, he conceded after a while that -quote -'you walk quite fast for a wee dumpy woman'.

So brutal, but oh so true, although I find His Lordship's description of my being like a red snowball in my down jacket, is somewhat kinder.

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