And Your Colour Scheme Delight

Despite it being a bank holiday today, I headed into work.   

I needed to get stuff done, and I needed to get my head back into normal mode.   - No more wondering about the kids, and second guessing where they might be. 

I had a pretty disturbed  night last night;  Tooli was flying London-Miami-Atlanta-MyrtleBeach.    She barely made the the Miami-Atlanta connection and I was just heading to bed, and I thought, I'll check my phone once more... and there she was - In Atlanta. 

I spoke to her briefly and thought, I'll just take phone upstairs just in case you need a hand. 

And I took the phone upstairs....  something I never do - and of course, every two hours I checked the phone.   Boy Messaged me around 500am to tell me that he got her. 

And then I slept.

But boy was I exhausted 2 hours later.  

My boss decided to come in too, so that meant that I got half as much done as I wanted to.  But I did get stuff done.  But I so wanted to come home and sit down. 

And then... when I did come home and sit down...  and I decided that we should make the most of the lovely night and not sit in.  

I exhaust myself.  I do!

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