Everything is illuminated

So, the Euro elections are over and the haunted frog was on TV all morning proclaiming victory, and being allowed to get away with utter lies without challenge.

Big picture, his vanity vehicle got more votes than UKIP last time, but only because the Conservative vote completely collapsed. The combined pro Brexit vote actually went down and pro remain parties got more votes in total, but still he was allowed to proclaim the resounding victory he expected but didn’t actually achieve.

The most irritating part was him repeatedly stating that the results showed it was still 52:48 to leave, a figure for which there is absolutely no basis, and nobody asked him to justify it. Even if you assume that all Conservatives are pro Brexit (they aren’t), you get to 44%. That leaves him another 8% of the turnout to find as shy Brexit voters who chose to vote Lib Dem, Green, SNP, Plaid, or Labour. He has gone full Trump now, just stating what he’d like to be the case as if it were true.

So on that basis I’d like to announce my forthcoming marriage to the whole of Bananarama. Anyone who questions that is a traitor.

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