Ocraquoy Marsh Marigolds

It was pouring down this morning, but it soon cleared, and plenty of sunny spells the rest of the day.  It's still fairly cold, maybe a slight bit warmer.

Another busy day in the museum.  There's been another cruise ship in Lerwick, but it left by 1pm, and we remained busy.  I've been to the peat hill again this evening.  Plenty of peats raised, but many more to go.  Off to work in the pub later.

Headed down to feed the cat at lunchtime, and one of the caddy lambs had escaped again, but I caught him and out back with the others.  On my way back to work, I was fairly noticing how colourful the landscape is becoming, and even if it is cold, summer is surely on it's way.  This field of marsh marigolds has certainly brightened up the area, and many more places the same.  Looking towards North Hoose, Ocraquoy, Cunningsburgh.  

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