Fan Assisted Peat Drying Technology

Slightly warmer again today, but windy.  The sun had been shining all day, with the odd cloud passing over.  A lovely calm evening tonight. 

I had the day off work, and up early and puttered about the house.  The scaffolding arrived this morning, and setup.  The new roof with be going on over the next few weeks.  I've been busy raising peats all day, from 11am to 8pm.  Walkies with Sammy this evening, and now my feet are up, along with every aching bone and muscle in my body. 

Raising peats is hard work, but essential for drying them.  My new peat hill does have the advantage of this latest peat drying technology, wind turbines!  There's five turbines around my peat bank, and what a noise.  I've never been keen on them, but the power goes into the local grid.  That horrible company, Viking Energy, are rearing their ugly heads again, and the 103 turbine farm at 155m tall has been backed by Scottish ministers.  A few more for ourselves would be fine, but we certainly don't need to be an offshore wind farm for mainland Scotland!  Shetland has just made it into the top 10 Lonely Planet places to visit, we'll loose that when our island has been destroyed!  Taken at the Hill of Fitch, Tingwall.  

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