The Coffee Cream is Mine

Boxing Day comes preset with guilt: guilt of the evils of sloth, over eating, overimbibing and not forgetting to mention those chocolates consumed with careless abandon; in fact a presbyterian's nightmare of enjoyment and indulgence.

But in the Dower House, being Monday, it was business as usual, forget Boxing Day. Nobody could accuse his Lordship or me of being sloths. We were up and out at a stupid hour to the land of weights and running machines to punish ourselves for our lack of self control yesterday, a kind of self flagellation if you will.

Just as I was at the point of throwing in the towel, a trainer cornered me to show me one of their latest vibrating platforms which is part of their resistance exercise machines.
I stood, squatted, sat and pulled on belts as the platform did a jig under me. Very enjoyable it was too, allowing the build up of core strength ( I quote) without too much sweat and not a little naughty pleasure.

What I won't be doing today is going any where near shops with their sales, and buying next year's wrapping paper and Christmas cards, I've had enough for this year.
But I'll maybe finish off some of the left overs from our Christmas dinner and of course unfortunately I know where his Lordship has hidden the box of chocolates.

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