
By DonnaWanna

Boxing Day

Boxing Day has been very quiet. As it was the rest day after Xmas we took our time doing everything today.

We slept in, had a late breakfast and lazed around for the rest of the day. An outing was planned and then abandoned. The weather was kind, although thunder storms were threatening they didn't arrive and by tonight things had cooled down considerably.

We ordered in pizza and the guys partook of some beers, and the lady of the house relaxed on the lounge with her iPad. The outside sitting area was all cleaned up, the table wiped down and a little bit of a sweet little flower was left sitting there.

I hadn't managed one photo all day so I was zipping around trying to get an acceptable blip, snapped myself upside down accidentally, which was how I have felt all day, turned upside down by too much of everything :))

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