
We've had a good day, we went to see Trooping the Colour - or at least the last rehearsal before the actual Trooping which is next weekend.   It was quite a big day for the boys (after a very late night last night as it was so exciting staying in London).  They haven't really been to London before, have never been in a taxi before and certainly haven't ever been around quite so many people.  They took the whole thing utterly in their stride and behaved so very well.  Picture is of the Blues and Royals coming past us  - very close indeed. Couple of other pictures as I had so many to choose from. 

Granny and Grandpa came with us, which was very nice (and provided an extra pair of hands, most useful).  I'd managed to come with only one sun hat for the boys, so a very nice solder found a hat for the youngest - appropriated from a Met Police Officer - so the youngest had a bright yellow Met Police hat on for the whole parade.  Giving it back was a pretty tough job (and the police officer had to bribe him with his last chocolate biscuit). 

Super tired boys by the time we got in the car to come home, they had such a lovely day and were a delight to be with. 

Drama of the day... bath time and I forgot there was a razor on the side of the bath.  Told the boys to get in the bath whilst I tidied up a few things, and went in to find the youngest with the blade end in his mouth.  Only he'd managed to remove the blade (from a cheap plastic razor).  I have utterly no idea how he managed to survive that without a scratch.  

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