Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


make you feel happy.

But sometimes they make you feel sad.  My darling husband (the Head Gardener) maintained our garden beautifully.  At this time of year the neat rows of spuds, onions, leeks, broccoli and cabbage would be coming on and the roses and shrubs would be at their best. My job in those days was to sit in the garden when he worked and chat to him and make him laugh and also keep a steady supply of coffee and homemade cake on hand as gardening is hungry work. He used to say that this was teamwork at its best.

But as you can see the veg patch is overgrown and wild.  The poppies come up every year (wonderful) and these foxgloves just appeared out of nowhere.   I planted carrots but the snails had a field day.   The 1.99 Lidl grapevine in the greenhouse is growing wildly again and 4 out of the tomato plants are doing ok.

But when I wander out here early on a beautiful June morning, I feed sad.  I wonder is he doing the rounds of the celestial veg patch in the heavenly garden way beyond the clouds.

I am going to spend the day in the garden - reading and painting and this evening 2 of my friends are coming for dinner.  Dessert will be my rhubarb crumble (my rhubarb just keeps coming back year after year).  Main course will be chicken salad and new Wexford potatoes.

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