Double Shot Mummy


Christmas 2012-Maple's 1st Christmas!

It was very exciting to see my mum and dad greet Oscar and Bailee when they got up in the morning! These are priceless moments I will never forget! It was wonderful to have them here with us for Christmas..... we are very blessed to have many brilliant family Christmas memories of growing up.

The day started with Oscar sneaking very quietly into our room. He didn't bring his Santa's stocking in so Stu took him to his room to get it and Bailee was awake already too! Maple was in our bed so the twin's opened their 'Santa's Boots' all in together.

Oscar was just so excited about his 'silver grey car'. Just like daddy's old Citroen Picasso from the UK. Bailee was very intrigued and happy with her My Little Pony. It is Apple Jack, the same one I had as a little girl!

After that we all went into the lounge to discover the rest of Santa's presents on the balcony where Stu had left beer and Oreo's with the twin's for Santa! The whole family was up now to watch the event. Aunty Becky and Uncle Rock appeared rather weary looking! Oscar knew how to open the gifts very quickly and Bailee got the hang of things too. They were already overwhelmed and hadn't began on the presents from anyone else!

We had yummy cinnamon brioche french toast for breakfast thanks to Andy. Bacon was there for the non-vegetarians too. The present opening began and the twin's were truly spoilt but at the same time seemed very interested in all the special gifts they were getting!

They got so many wonderful gifts including clothes, a Bosch workbench and Kitchen, playdough kits, dvd's, a doll, baby doll slings, bedding, plastic food, play safari animals and much more! Maple got some clothes, sheepskin booties, the most gorgeous golden bracelet and a colourful sensory doll as well as lot's of cuddles! It was Maple's first Christmas and she looked just stunning in her Christmas dress.

Thanks to Chef Stu and Chef Andy, we had a tasty lunch of chicken, NZ lamb, veges, salad etc. The deserts were yum. Cheesecake and cheesecake trifle :-) Sago Christmas pudding and custard. We didn't even get onto the Gingerbread house! The twin's homemade Christmas crackers were a hit.... the jokes hilarious!

After all the food, I went for a walk with the children and their Granny and Grandad. Bex, Andy and Stu slept and/or watched The Lord of the Ring's on the couch!

It was a great Christmas. The twin's certainly 'got it' better this year.... I can only imagine what next year will be like! I feel so lucky to have such gorgeous children and such a loyal, smart and sometimes funny husband. It really made it to have my parents and Bex and Andy here this year, we miss our parents around!

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