Double Shot Mummy


Christmas Day 2013

Merry Christmas Everyone! We all had a wonderful day. It started at 530am with the rustling of presents and Oscar talking very excitedly to Bailee about their Santa presents! Stu and I got up and they preceded to unwrap in the hallway. Oscar got a Pirates Treasure Chest filled with a telescope, map, sword and compass. Bailee got some Hello Kitty Lego. Maple got a board book and they all got a generous selection of little knick knacks!

We had pancakes and eggs for breakfast and after that opened all the presents. There were so many beautiful things. Maple got a wooden high tea set and a shape sorter. She also got a lovely baby doll. Her eyes shone with excitement and she kept giggling at it, she adored it so much. Oscar got a 'Build it' set. Kind of like Mechano but much bigger and plastic. He also got a model digger, 'Cars' watch, pyjamas, safari plane and a very cute hand puppet (As did Bailee and Maple). He got an egg that you put in water and it hatches into a dinosaur which he has been excited to watch!

Stu was chuffed with his Mellenium Falcolm Lego.... it has been the first year he didn't guess his Christmas present. I felt truly spoiled with my new Kitchen Aid blender and Canon 6D camera.

Bailee got a hair dressers kit, books, fairies riding horses, watch, 'Kiwi' hatching egg and so much more. They all had a lot of fun playing with their new toys and it is always amazing to see the excitement on their faces. This was the first time I have seen Maple so excited over presents!

That afternoon we went to Ruth and Simon's for Christmas dinner. Her mum and gran were there as well as Chester and Fudge so there were plenty of us to enjoy it with! The table was laid out beautifully with a stunning centerpiece and the dinner itself was the most elaborate Christmas dinner we can remember. There was a soup, salmon, sorbet, main, dessert and cheese course. The children all loved the food and we certainly enjoyed it! Everything was cooked to perfection, Ruth did amazing organising it all. Thank you both so much!

Maple lasted the best. Oscar and Bailee were beyond exhausted by the end of the day. We didn't get home until almost 11pm, what a big day!

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