Still raining

I went for a run as soon as Penny had left for school and I was lucky enough to escape the rain as it started to rain quite heavily shorty after I got back. it rained for most of the day. Penny had her Maths paper 3 this afternoon (Stats and Mechanics) but had gone to school early as she finds that she works harder at school. She came home with her friends before popping out to Pizza Express. They said that the mechanics part of the paper was quite hard. They also said that the paper had been leaked last night and was selling online for £20. By late afternoon, it had stopped raining.  After dinner, I was sitting at the kitchen table and a fox came into the garden and came straight towards the kitchen. I think it would have come in had I not been there. In the evening, Penny went to babysit and Bibi had Catrin and Simon round. I went to bed early. 

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