Double Shot Mummy


Dino Live Show at Festival City

Oscar had too long a nap yesterday so consequently woke up at 520am. The effect was exacerbated when Bailee heard him and woke up. She needs much more sleep than that so was very grumpy that morning. I ended up putting her to bed for three hours at 930am! She just can't handle not having enough sleep. So we were all a little tired today (Especially Stuart who was playing computer games until 3am!)

In the afternoon, we needed to get out so we decided to go to Dino Live at Festival City. The dinosaurs were fantastic. They were very noisy, however, so Oscar was a bit hesitant about how much he should enjoy the experience. He shed a few tears and then came right. I think it was more the loud dinosaur noises than anything else. He did tell me they were too big and had sharp teeth. At the end, as you can see in the photo, there was a dinosaur ride. Bailee was keen to have a ride so Stu helped her on and she looked a little bit like she might have a melt down to begin. We all cheered her on and she came right, and seemed to really have fun! Our brave girl! We could see the look of fear on Oscar's face, however, as he worked out that his turn would be next. We asked him if he wanted a dinosaur ride and he said, "No, no, no" and shook his head.

We all enjoyed a drink and a Christmas mince tart before heading back for the evening.

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