
By Madchickenwoman

Oscar had a lovely play date with Ivy, a Husky / Alsation cross. The field was just brilliant - high up with views over callington and fenced so no escape! There was a wooden hut with chairs, dog toys, poo bags and water! There are also bird boxes and a greenhouse with a good load of crops. They raced around the field so fast! Ivy chased Oscar first and then they swopped and he chased her! But he seemed to get a little overexcited and was biting her neck, so we separated and walked opposite ways round the field before playing again. 
I had a good chat with her owner The Welder. He told me how he has glaucoma from his job on the dockyard - how the flare caused by the working conditions was like being sand blasted in the eyes - an hour later he would be in agony and now his eyesight is failing and he wears sunglasses and a hat whatever the weather conditions. 
Apparently Ivy is an escape artist and he doesn't let her off the lead anywhere else. He once had to rescue her from the railwayline. She also howls if left alone - so he never does! She even goes golfing with him! 
When we left we bumped into the owner of the field - she told me how she had done the field for her rescue dog who is aggressive with other dogs. She is now converting the next field for smaller dogs - they can get throughb the fence in this field! I took her number so I can book more sessions! It will be. agreat place to train Oscar and just exercise him without having to on constant alert for possible problems from wildlife and people!

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