Bath jolly

We were up and out this morning, Daisy and I for what turned out to be a long and tortuous drive to Bath university open day. Just as well it’s a bloody fabulous place, I know they cost a fortune these days, going to uni but it’s like an actual town. I pointed out to Daisy that with a 50m swimming pool and a lake on the campus, she was never going to be short of a swimming opportunity. I got a little over excited by the whole thing, wished I was going there myself and went to have a pint in the su bar. Then a poke around the accommodation, Daisy likes the one with en-suites, double beds and food vouchers. Quick maths lecture then off for the highlights of Bath. Extras is our ymca view, top bargain, £60 for us both with breakfast, am delighted. We were initially a bit worried when the first shops we came across were like all the v posh ones in Brighton but soon came across Superdrug, Primark and the like. I had run out of most of my energy so didn’t even bother trying to raise a pizza express alternative. V nice it was though, they have a new mushroom thing.

Now we are at rest, tomorrow morning - Warwick!

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