The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Can’t Touch This

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I was very grateful to have friends who are health care professionals.

Not for the reasons you may think - the amazing caring, healing, life changing and saving stuff. Nope, none of that - I am grateful that I have been hardened to medical oversharers.

Today, a former colleague, Patrick passed our back of desks and Dermott made the mistake of asking how he is doing.

So, it turns out that Patrick recently had a kidney infection. It was quite severe and he went into painstaking detail about the diagnostic tests to rule out something more sinister (prostrate exam, camera inserted in his urethra) but that wasn’t the worst of it...

“I was genuinely pissing blood,” he explained as he brought our his phone. “Look.”

And In front of us flashed a photo of a bloodied toilet bowl with the added detail of a piece of bloodied toilet paper stuck to the side.

Dermott and Marina were completely shell shocked but I had my ’LTJ has told me stories way worse than this’ cape on and was completely unscathed.

I wonder if he has that picture comes up in the ‘Best of the last two months’ memories section of his camera roll.


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