A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

The magical place they call "kitchen"

The heart of our house. Viewed via the reflection of possibly the most important item in the kitchen ...our kettle. Wondrous thing! You can see Corin sat at the table, with James stood talking to him. We often find that we spend huge amounts of time in the kitchen, stood talking, or sat at the table gossiping about our day at work. We have a perfectly lovely living room that we could sit in, but there is something about the kitchen...and I often find that at parties, the kitchen ends up being at the heart of the action. Strange.

Have had a day that has been productive but lazy at the same time. I have washed my car and cleaned the inside out (although I still need to hoover the inside). Corin scrubbed the wheels with a toothbrush (No- he's not been naughty, he offered to try and get them all shiny for me!!!).

Done some shopping, which included the impulse purchase of chocolate filled crepes, and a number of cheeses (Cheshire, extra mature cheddar, stilton and a Camembert). Have just had two of the crepes with a huge dollop of cream...bad bad bad...but good!

James and I have watched Doctor Who at the Proms (filmed last year) - awesome music, and great to see James actually enjoying the music and paying attention to things like the violinists all making the same movements of the bow at the same time. Prompted a discussion about whether I can still play the violin (got to Grade 3 then stopped) - not sure if I can remember, but I think I am going to retrieve my violin from the attic and re-tune it, and when no one is in, I might try! As for the music, it was very emotive - I guess because its associated with particular parts of Doctor Who episodes, but also I do find that music can get to me quite strongly - some of the music moved me to tears because it was so good. My parents will both know of a piece of music that as a child I used to call "The Sad Music" - its actually a movement of Rodrigo's Concierto de Aranjuez, which is a beautiful suite of classical guitar music. I hear that music now, and it makes me cry, but reminds me of times at home when I was young.

At the other extreme, all three of us watched "A fistful of Dollars" with Clint Eastwood today. Classic. James thoroughly enjoyed it too.

Now I think we are going to play MarioKart....my backside is bracing itself to get kicked! James has blipped tonight - link here

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