Ninja Monkey and the Clothes mountain

Ninja Monkey has had little to do this weekend, as "The Lady that gives him the orders" made an executive decision this weekend that monkey work was off the agenda.

Imagine Ninja Monkey's glee when this evening Monkey was able to go on an exciting adventure....

Through the "Toothbrush foothills" (a place that strikes terror into young boys called James and thus James do not venture there unless the "Lady that gives him his orders" makes him do so, and he protests loudly and persistently when forced there)...

Up to Base Camp 1 at "Sock and Knicker ridge"...(we'll pass that one by!)...

Then the steep incline up the North Face of "Sarah's clothes" where at least once, Ninja Monkey only narrowly escaped from a clothes avalanche.

However, the hard journey over difficult terrain was made worthwhile by the views from the top of "Towel Tip" over the low lying terrain of "Corin's workshirts".

Ninja Monkey is looking forward to the topography of the landscape changing shortly when two new additional mountains of "James clean clothes from his outdoor adventure weekend" are added to the range.

Ninja Monkey knows her allegiance - and planted a Blipfoto flag at the top :-) When she's had a fag and some Kendal Mint Cake, she's coming back down to watch the telly!

(Can anyone tell I am sleep deprived and maybe bordering on the edge of insanity? No? Oh good!)
I backblipped Friday and Saturday if you haven't looked.

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