Saturday: Seattle Post Intelligence

Today we showed Joe and Stacey the delights of Main Street with its great mix of independent stores. We started off fairly towards the top and worked our way down.

Unfortunately, somewhere en route I lost my glasses. We retraced our steps but with no success. I had them in my pocket so we think they must have dropped out. They're varifocals/progressive lenses and I'm fairly dependent on them, particularly for reading. I spent the rest of the day in sunglasses (also prescription lenses) so came across as famous and aloof. I have a pair of cheating/off the shelf reading glasses I can use but have already set in motion getting a replacement pair.

Heading to Main also meant showing them the delights of the microbrewery scene which included Main Street, R&B, Electric Bicycle and 33 Acres. Late night food was courtesy of 'Lucy's Eastside Diner'.

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