The Fairy stools

A much better day than yesterday although still grey it was just drizzling instead of pouring with rain.
Finished putting the photo’s up of the girls that have left Brownies.lovely to look back on all the things we’ve been doing.
After running a few errands Mike dropped me at the Fairy Glen. The beach was full of school kids and the Aigas van was parked in the carpark so the beginning of the walk was not that quiet but as soon as I had walked abit further I hardly saw a soul.I was going to try and walk to the waterfall as the burn was running fast but it was too muddy and I did not want to slip over.I crossed the bridge and walked down the other side.No grey wagtail or dippers today but lots of fungi and I really liked these ones that spread out along a fallen log.
I continued my walk along the beach, the tide was out leaving behind lots of colourful seaweeds and tiny snails with an assortment of shells.
Back along the top path following a flock of long tailed tits , so hard to get a photo but I did snap a baby one :)
The sun came out in the afternoon and the temperature is rising and it looks like a good day tomorrow.

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