
By seddon

Busy day!

This morning we were all up and out early ish to go to another adventure park, called Crealy. I've successfully passed my sniffles on to mummy and grandpa, but I am feeling much better and so was quite happy to be pushed round in my buggy whilst Thomas went on some of the rides and slides.
Thomas was very brave with the slides and went on some huge and very steep ones, but not so brave on the rides - mummy and daddy took him on a little train rollercoaster, but he hated it and cried most of the way round!
There were lots of little bridges over a stream and Thomas, mummy and daddy climbed over all of them - they were all different, some were wobbly, some were like stepping stones - Nannie pushed me over the few normal ones.
Daddy and grandpa took Nannie on a rollercoaster - Nannie didn't really enjoy it, but Thomas enjoyed laughing at her screaming!!
This evening we went to the club for another evening of bingo beats, and go live. We also stayed for the music show which was called bat out of bohemia and was very good!! I stayed awake for a lot of it and liked looking at the lights.

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