
Play date with Icvy and Frankie in the field today! Oscar got overexcited as soon as we got in the filed and we were not sure he and Frankie were playing or were going to have an imminenet fight. So Oscar had time out outside the gate for 5 minutes. All was well once we re-entered!
The three chased  each other and a ball, then Ivy and Oscar had a romp in the grassy centre, then Frankie and Oscar had a roll around and neck biting on the ground! Ivy was a little perplexed by this and just watched!
Three very happy dogs by the end and Oscar didn't want to leave the field when it was time to go home!
Started the antibiotics today - one tasted of bitter almonds - I hate that taste! I love almonds but not the essence. Apart from a nasty metallic taste in my mouth the whole day no other bad reaction - phew!

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