High Flyer.....

Half a day off today !
Spent the morning finishing off hanging plastic silage sheets round the pit here. Have decided I’m getting too old for this nonsense , up and down ladders holding bits of baler twine one handed while holding a lump of plastic in the other and balancing on top of a 10 ft wall . Got there eventually.
A warm clammy morning so set off down the road to feed cattle but decided to go to East Fortune to Haddington Show instead. Caught up with a few folk, made a few enquiries about machinery whilst keeping my short arms in my deep pockets, and sat and watched these motor bike nutters just before the thunder and torrential rain started.
Was wishing I had fed the cattle on my way away as was soaked by the time they were done !
That has snookered plans to mow silage tomorrow though- bugger.

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