The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Cava Lagged

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

So the first proper day of our holiday started with the adults all being a tad hungover. We arrived last night about 10 pm and got a bit overexcited in the hotel bar before thinking it was a great idea to make a serious dent in the room mini bars. It is not the first time in my life that hindsight has exposed a flaw in a 2 am decision!

Thankfully, hangovers disappear very quickly by the pool and we had a day of ‘relaxing’. I did however manage to miss a few bits on my legs and feet with the sun tan lotion which went very red in the whole 3 minutes that I wasn’t sitting in the shade. I strongly suspect that I will come back bearing more resemblance to a patchwork doll than a bronzed goddess.

The hotel is very lovely. It’s quite posh. They turn down the bed at night and leave a chocolate on your pillow. I might suggest that The Prince continues this when we get home!

The eight of us wandered out for dinner. The bliss of eating lovely seafood on a terrace overlooking the beach. I like it here!


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