
We continued our route north with a stop at the Jedidiah Smith Redwoods State Park near Crescent City. We hiked there for a couple of hours on the Boy Scout Tree Trail. I snapped so many pictures, but it is hard to capture such beauty and grandeur; words and iPhones cannot do it justice. I kept lagging behind relishing solitude, and feeling peace and healing. It sounds corny, but it's true, and I'll treasure that time.
Along the way, we came to a fallen, fern-covered tree reaching out over the path. (See Extra.) A couple was standing there trying to make a knock-knock joke out of 'cantilevered,' so I quipped, "canti-leave-her alone?" and we all had a good yuk, commenting on how, amidst the awesome and solemn experience of this magnificent forest, there is room for humor, too.

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