
By AnnieBScotland


just as I am homeward bound!

the snow plough woke me at 4.30am, and when I woke up again there was glorious sunshine!! I couldn't resist a last walk in the snow, but it is so deep and was so cold that I stuck to the paths in the park that have been flattened for the cross country skiers, like these guys, and the snow shoe-ers. I took some lovely snowy shots, then came back and went knee deep in virgin snow down to Alan's creek for some final icy shots - I hope to put some on flickr soon - before packing and lunch.

I have also spent the week watching the birdies - and was determined to get a shot of the one elusive blue jay that I have only seen 4 times in the 10 days. he was hungry today so I waited at the window and finally I got him!

my short flight from here is delayed an hour but hopefully this won't affect my international flight. apologies if comments are a bit thin on the ground in the next day or so. looking forward to seeing my loved ones, but not to seeing the Scottish weather.

just off now to take one final photo of the three of us with the self timer.

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