All Go

First of all …………… The Eagles concert was fantastic. Young Mr Frey has slotted in beautifully to fill his father's shoes, Don Henley can play a mean trumpet (his intro to Hotel California was brilliant) and Joe Walsh's facial expressions are nearly as good as his guitar playing. I think that the best playing was on Misty Mountain Way when he played harmony with Steuart Smith.

On to today ………..
While I walked the dog, SWMBO went for the monsters.
The light was nice and I tried taking some arty farty larch shots.

When they arrived back after breakfast I removed the car seats, dropped the rear seats and filled the car with rotten fencing and 3 builders bags of ivy before heading to the dump...……… and repeat!
The second trip took a fair bit longer.
10.45am and the queue went all the way round the place, out the gate, down the drive and onto the roundabout on the A71. Christ knows what it will be like over the weekend when more people will want to use the place.
It is all down to 'part time' opening. Although, the workmen manning the place are still 'working' full time. Apparently this is a 'trial' although nobody has been told this and the entire Region has had a glossy sheet of the times for the (reduced number of dumps) given to them. So the Council has spent a fortune on printing timetables, not saved any money on wages and is having to spend more on dealing with the fly tipping that has rocketed.
I feel a complaint coming on.

PD was being really obstinate on his lunchtime walk about where he wanted to go - or not go and was doing my head in ……….. an hour to do a mile!

Vacuumed the car to get rid of the debris and bugs left from the dump trips, put everything back together and went for lunch at The Larder.
We asked Chef how his holiday had gone with his sister. Not well apparently. The place they went turned out to be more like a nursing home. In their late fifties they were the youngest by quite a long way, the place was 'shabby', the spa wasn't clean and the golf course wasn't open. He wasn't happy ….. the spa and golf were the two things that drew them to go there.

I spent ages trying to update the sat-nav in the car and failed.
But I think I have worked out how to do it now so I will try again tomorrow.

The evening was spent at the zoo. on a 'members only' after hours preview.
Not to see the animals (although we did catch a glimpse of a sleeping tiger and a couple of flamingos arguing), but to see the 30 or so Lego models scattered around the place. 
They are quite spectacular - the largest being the Orcas.
What I will say is that 2 hours to get round them all up and down that flaming hill was really hard if you have any health or mobility problems. But we did get a good view of the rainbow over the Pentlands while we were up there catching our breath.
The good news is, we didn't get any rain.

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