The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Sure Sign

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The plan was to go for a lovely family walk and explore a bit further this morning but The Eldest Mini Princess looked exhausted after breakfast. We suggested that she try to get a bit more sleep, at which point The Youngest Mini Princess decided that having some quality iPad time was far more appealing than a walk in the heat with her parents.

So The Prince and I left them to it, with strict instructions for YMP to leave EMP in peace and had a very pleasant couple of hours wandering and drinking coffee. One of my favourite things about being on holiday is actually getting to spend time with each other.

The sign in today’s picture makes me laugh every time we pass it. On the way back from the restaurant, YMP clocked me giggling, shook her head and said “you’re so immature Mum.” I asked if she would prefer that I was sensible. She pondered for a second, “No; I’m glad you’re not a prude or a prune or whatever that word is.”

After a couple of glasses of wine. I thought that was the funniest thing ever. Prune!


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