
By AlrightFlower

Been trying to find a joke about grouting...

... but apparently it's not all that funny a job. And it's something else I appear to be crap at, despite watching a Youtube video in advance. Holes all over the place, so it looks like I'll have to redo some of it in the morning :-(

So then I spent the next 7 hours cleaning both bedrooms, from top to bottom. Bucketfuls of dirty water and several cloths later, I think it's more or less back to normal. Apart from the odd stain on the spare bedroom carpet, which I'm sure wasn't there before...

Having sat down with bacon and egg butties at 8pm, I've since been listening to what sounds like a dog kennels next door, though in reality there are only two. I just wish they'd stop howling and barking... I think the time may have come to speak to the neighbours - I've put up with months of it, every time they go out, thinking that the new pup may just need time to get used to being without them, but this evening I'm tired and at the end of my tether with it.

Roll on tomorrow.


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