My Second Blip Meet

I get to have numerous "Blip meets" with my friend naturelover. Due to having family over...she couldn't make it today.

But...I did get to meet BryanImagining, and LBorla. We met at Bryan's parents house. Nice of them to host us.

The 3 of us ventured outside...with me wearing some nice borrowed boots from Bryan. We headed down a long hill toward the lake...cameras in tow. I thought I might be out of place when Laura handed her camera to Bryan...took a flying start...and shot down the hill on her stomach. Wow!

We then went to the front of the house where Bryan showed us this carved blue heron. Come to find out...he carved the entire thing with his Boy Scout pocket knife. Took him 5 months of constant whittling. Now...I REALLY knew I was out of place!

We adjourned to the kitchen table for tea...boring my wife Lisa to tears with camera and Blip talk. After an hour, she screamed..."Stop...please stop!!" Bryan's parents came running in from the living room.

As we left...I wondered how long it would take for Bryan to miss his nice boots.

Laura always signs off on her Blip page...xo, Laura. It was nice to get a real in-person hug. Both Bryan and his cousin Laura were delightful people.

Lies to clear up:
1. Laura didn't slide down the hill.
2. Bryan's brother carved the heron with a small chain saw.
3. Lisa is a real trooper...listening patiently.
4. I didn't take the boots.

After glancing at Bryan's blip...he beat me to the punch with a photoshop lighthouse shot. I may have one-upped him by putting him and Laura in front of the lighthouse, AND..."riding" on a seagull. Look HERE.

Nice to meet some fellow blippers. :)

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