There and back again

By Mikes

Jesss 01-01-97 to 31-12-12

The end of another year and another book of memories, some happy some sad
like the loss of our collie Jess on this date last year. Born on Dartmoor, in a barn during a blizzard and always the happiest when walking the moor with us.

On the brighter side the birth of our new granddaughter, Megan who is filling the family with smiles. Born on Mrs M and myself wedding anniversary. No excuse in forgetting that date now.

Many family plans afoot already for the next year, daughter No3 and her family planning a rebuild on their house and daughter No2 planning a trip to New Zealand. The rest of us will no doubt have our shares of life's adventures over the coming months.

May we I wish you and yours a Very Happy New Year from all of us

Happy Blipping

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