The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Oh Yes, it’s Ladies Night

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Organised fun group excursion 2 was today - jet skiing! I had never done it before but my internal risk assessment determined (whilst on the dinghy boat out to the jet skis) that there were enough waves for it to feel exciting without being unnecessarily dangerous. Having fun is not a simple process in my brain!

We all had a great time AND I managed not either flash my J & D* whilst inelegantly getting in and out of the dinghy or tipping the jet ski and losing The Eldest Mini Princess from the back. Clearly I am an excellent parent and my children will have #magicalmemories instead of being #scarredforlife.

It was ladies night** and I have to admit to being slightly apprehensive as The Explorer and Eliza can definitely tolerate more alcohol than me. Luckily, no one wanted to give it large and we went on a lovely long walk further down the coast, past cute bars adorned in fairy lights and a lots of cairns on the beach front. Eventually, we stopped at restaurant (mainly because we needed to pee) and it ended up being fantastic. The food was SO good and the staff were really friendly.

It was my favourite kind of evening. Good chat and lots of laughter.

And no threat of a hangover. Yaaay!


*Jack and Danny

**It’s in your head. Isn’t it?

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