Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Last Day of 2012

I've never really been a big fan of New Year's Eve (or Hogmanay as it's known to the locals). I can't be bothered with the hassle of travelling across town, not being able to get a bus or taxi home when I'm tired and the crowds! I cannot be doing with the crowds. As such, I tend to to have a quiet night at New Year's. Curl up on the sofa with a film, a glass of wine and usually The Boy for company. That's this year's plan.

Today my macro extension tubes arrived so I thought I should test them out for today's blip. As the lens I'm using doesn't seem to have the option of manually focusing (other than the change of focus that is achieved by altering the zoom) it took a bit of getting used to as the only way to get the item in focus is to move the camera closer to or further away. This method takes away any freedom of composition but I'm sure eventually I'll figure out a way to get around it. Today's blip is of a heart found inside a walnut shell.

In other news, today I had a little experiment with ebay. We're selling some things to raise money towards our charity fundraising target. I've begun with a couple of things that can just be popped in an envelope and a stamp stuck on them but will build up towards the bigger things that need a trip to the post office if someone buys them.

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