Nan in 3D Mode

Watching the Queen today in 3D with my Nan (maternal grandmother) who is visiting with Grandad from London for the festive period. Brilliant day in the house, Dad and I cooked all of the dinner from scratch, nothing came out of a packet in this house!

Funniest part of the day was first thing, I left the house at 6:50am to head to Hev's and watch the kids wake up, I had to wake them all up, Olivia still wasn't awake even when Lily awoke and her Dad was rushing to put out Santa's footprints. When Heather did get Olivia up she asked for a few more minutes as she was still tired... She came through to her card from Santa in reply to her questions in her letter the week before and a room full of presents. I then received a call from my brother about 7:30 asking where I was as they'd heard a noise, noticed my car was gone and I wasn't there, I advised I had been kidnapped by Santa...come on guys where else would I be? lol

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