The View From The Office.

Not my office ………. just my coffee stop this morning while we collected the pottery stuff the monsters did last week.
After that we walked PD up to Hound Point and watched the catamaran pass the tug as the clouds rolled in.
Coming back down towards the bridges (a 6 shot panorama) SWMBO managed to trip over nothing and went base over apex ……. cut and bruised both hands and ended up sitting in a puddle. I bet it isn't just her hands that are bruised by tomorrow.

When we got home PD assumed his normal position.

We went up and visited Jay earlier - he isn't a happy chappy with his plastic cone round his neck, a drug canula in his leg and a catheter up his back-end. But he did scoff down some fish, prawns and rice that I offered him.
They are quite happy with how he is doing so hopefully he will get out tomorrow at some point.

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