One Of Those Days

I dug my thicknesser out from the bowels of the garage to finish off the slices of wood required as candle holders for a forthcoming wedding.
It didn't go too well.
It turns out the machine is too powerful for the size of the slices of wood and smashed the first two ……… and scaring the bejesus out of me in the process.
Plan B ……. mount them individually on the lathe and do the job by hand.
It didn't go too well.
One of the metal jaws came adrift and left the lathe at 1500rpm.
Luckily for me it headed downwards into the wooden cabinet underneath the lathe.
I then spent two hours in a fog of very blue air trying to get the jaws and the chuck back together again.
Leaving the garage I went to close the door and somehow it jumped out of the runners on one side.
More blue air until I got it back in place.

I had to go and check if a delivery had arrived at PD's house
That is when I came across this complete tool
He deliberately made sure that I could not get past. After an extended period - and being questioned why by the guys doing the actual job of emptying the bins he moved forward about 10' and blocked the road even more. I was going to get out, lock the car up and walk away leaving him stuck - but SWMBO wouldn't let me.
To add insult to injury - the bins in our street were not emptied.

Talking of PD - he is taking too many liberties and is trying a bit of a power struggle (he wont win that one - that is for sure). He doesn't know it yet, but he will not be heading home tomorrow evening as expected as his owner has had to extend her holiday until Monday as she has to go and collect temporary travel documents after misplacing her passport (which has since been found but of course had been cancelled).
As for Jay - he is meant to be getting home tomorrow.

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