“The Great Communicator”

The holiday got off to a flying start - what a day. John had wanted to see a retired ‘Airforce One’ and there is one at the Ronald Reagan Library so following breakfast in La Verne, Janet, John, Clare and I set of for the Simi Valley.
The library has been ‘flirting’ at the edge of my ‘Bucket List’ for some time and to finally get to visit and explore confirmed it as everything I thought it would be.
It gives a slightly sanitised view of Reagan’s life but there is little doubting his popularity in both the States and the U.K. SAMA Veterans do not forget his support for Britain in 1982.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the library and it’s gardens but all too soon it was time to leave. The four of us headed back to La Verne to meet up with Richard and Linda, Janet’s parents, for dinner, warm and friendly as always it was a real pleasure to see them again.
Following the meal it was off to the Mud Shack to meet up with Denyse for a little craftwork, more of which on another day.
Eventually back to the apartment for another much needed nights sleep before another early start tomorrow.

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