My Dad with his Auntie Floss

We hired a taxi to take us to see my Great Aunt in her Care Home.She’s been living there for a few months now and it’s a lovely place.Nicely decorated, clean and smiling ,helpful staff.
Does not she look good for 98 ! She knew which day of the week it was which is more than I can remember and asked after Mike.I showed her some photos of the ‘boys’ and she could not believe how they had grown, Richard’s thirty this year.
She made us laugh as well and told us all about the things they’ve been doing, like going to the Cinema and releasing the ducklings that hatched from eggs they had in an incubator.
Back home and my Dad needed a rest really but my Auntie Sue turned up and stayed for about an hour. She was going to come to the home and meet us there but my Uncle has to go to the doctors as his knee has swollen quite badly.
Mum made lunch, she does not let me in the kitchen ;) and then I sat in the garden enjoying the sunshine.Lots of butterflies around , I only have my little camera and the phone but managed a few photos.
Paul came up to dinner, Mum made a very tasty roast dinner :)

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