
By Houseonahill6

A passing shower

We went to David’s this morning and chatted from the car window. He has changed his room around and needed some ‘elephant feet’ to help raise his bed so that he has more storage space and also the mattress topper.
Then Mike went to Tesco to get some shopping. Good to see everyone wearing masks, even the young children wearing them, looking very grown up :)
We went down to Redcastle and were pleased to see that the carpark was open so we sat and ate our sandwiches watching the fast approaching rain clouds. Very localised showers and it was dry when we got home.
A couple of days ago a horse had become stuck in the mud just to the left of this photo. It took the Coast guards ,the Kessock RNLI and the Scottish Fire and rescue service sometime to rescue it.Not show how or why it was out there.
We drove over to Jemimaville to give the car a quick wash. Managed to capture a quick photo of the white square of sheep that had been gathered on the hill.
Off on a boat trip tomorrow at 10am so you can track where we are on Marine traffic , just look for the dolphin Spirit.It will be high tide so not really expecting to see any dolphins but hoping to see an Osprey :)

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