Inverness Airport

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Off to Kent for a few days to visit my Mum and Dad.
This is a new display advertising items from Gordon Castle.It was very cleverly done , lots of tempting things but quite expensive.
The flight was delayed by nearly an hour so we decided to eat before we went through security.I had a prawn Jacket potato and Mike had pie.
They are changing the layout in the building, not sure it’s going to make things any quicker/ easier though but we’ll have to wait and see.
Managed to catch a train at just gone 4pm to London, St Pancreas and then it’s just up a few escalators to platform 11 and the train to Sittingbourne.
My brother picked me up, felt guilty as he was watching the tennis and the cricket so I had to pull him away.He was listening on the radio and Mum and Dad had it on when we arrived so we were hooked , switching between the two, for the next hour , fantastic hour of sport.
It’s been very dry in Kent with no rain for weeks and my Mum’s garden is suffering with large cracks around the edges but it still looks beautiful to me :)

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